L-System Generator: commandes de la tortue
by Pepe ©
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© Maya

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Commandes de référence
I Create an instance with current
position, forward vector and thickness.
(used with L-System instancer)**
+ Turn Left*
- Turn Right*
| Turn 180 degrees around current up vector*
& Pitch Down*
^ Pitch Up*
< Roll Left*
> Roll Right*
% Roll 180 degrees around current forward vector*
~ turn/pitch/roll in a random direction*
$ Roll until horizontal (perpendicular to upDir)
" Increment Length*
\ Decrement Length*
; Increment Angle*
: Decrement Angle*
? Increment Thickness*
! Decrement Thickness*
{ Start drawing a Leaf (flat face polygon)
} Finish drawing a Leaf (flat face polygon)
[ Push the current state (start a new command sequence)
] Pop the current stat (execute previous command sequence)
. Save current vertex position in leaf stack
(use with {} to create leaf polys)
c Set V-Coord Value*
f Move forward*
F Move forward and draw branch (tube section)*
g Move forward but do not draw branch*
t Add droop (decrements position value parallel to upDir)*
z Move forward half distance*
Z Move forward half distance and draw branch*
* These commands can accept a floating point parameter, e.g. +35.5 will rotate
the turtle left by 35.5 degrees (around the current up vector)
** The I command is non-standard in L-System implementations. Some recipes will
require modification to make use of this command.